Education to Build Awareness

As a not-for-profit organization, we are clear in our stance that the inclusion of BIPOC people in Canada’s universities is not a matter of lowering standards for BIPOC academics to gain entry and opportunity, rather it is the admission that BIPOC academics must work and produce more than their White counterparts in a system that both privileges White academics and is hostile to BIPOC authority.

A large part of the current problem of BIPOC exclusion is institutional admission of the existence of systemic racism as a means of portraying equity progressivism, with no transparency or accountability to how it has and does live out within universities. Because of higher education’s reluctance and refusal to look inwards and name targets and perpetrators of systemic racism, Canadian society is left to believe that the destructive phenomenon is either “under control”, theoretical and/or victimless. 

Our commitment to education is to build awareness of how systemic racism is enacted in higher education. Our approach is dialogical and encourages participants to express their knowledge in how racial discrimination survives in universities, primarily through modification of actions that are institutionally accepted. We are eager to engage with your university club, faculty, union, administration, or association about systemic racism. Of course, we are very open to speaking with non-academic organizations that want to better understand how systemic racism functions in Canada’s universities. 

We are also available to speak to the media about systemic racism in universities. 

If you want to join the BIPOC Academic Coalition or are interested in having the BIPOC Academic Coalition present at your university (or non-academic organization), please contact us via email ( and/or click the “join” button below.